Design Team Lead (team of 5)
January 2022
8 weeks
Modernize an existing design and attract new members.
Project Overview
My first step in this design process was meeting with the client. We discussed his requirements for the project, which I organized using the MoSCoW method:
- Must have: club information, contact/team/blog/sponsor pages.
- Should have: gallery/past canoe pages, UW theme.
- Could have: event calendar, scrolling banner.
- Won’t have: Amazon wishlist.
I then conducted competitive analysis on other UW clubs and concrete canoe organizations, and brought my findings to my first team meeting.
In our first meeting, I taught my team some Figma basics and worked with them to generate:
- Information architecture
- Color palette
- Typography guide
With our content organized and structured, we were prepared to start prototyping in Figma.
Next, my team created a lo-fi prototype of the website’s homepage, but I noticed that the purple and gold color palette failed to meet a 4.5:1 contrast ratio. As such, I discussed other options with the client, and we adjusted the style to be mostly black & white.
After one more prototype, I sent the layout of the website to the coding team that was working alongside us and started finalizing the website’s design.

In the last week, I created a logo for the website, checked for design consistency, and held one last meeting to get the client’s approval.
Finally, I passed the finished product to the coding team, where they built and published the website.